If you have questions
about any of the books or records described below, or would
like additional pictures, please contact
me. -Shipping is in addition
to prices listed, and these can be shipped "Media Mail"
to reduce costs. -If you have
any of these books or records you would like to sell or trade,
please contact me. |
Book #1 -- Book in fair
condition (corner of front cover missing, all record pockets have tears).- No records included. -$20.00 |
Book #2 -- Book in excellent condition (one record pocket has a small tear and two have small
bottom splits).- All records included and in excellent condition (one has
a small edge chip not anywhere near the grooves). -$125.00
Book #3 -- Book in excellent condition (two record pockets intact without tears or splits and one has a small side
split). -All three records included and in excellent condition. -$125.00
Book #4 -- Book in excellent condition (all record pockets intact without tears or splits; some colored-pencil
marks). -All three records included and in excellent condition. -$125.00
Book #5 -- Book in excellent condition (all record pockets intact without tears or splits; some colored-pencil
marks). -All three records included and in excellent condition. -$125.00
Book #6 -- Book in excellent condition (all record pockets intact without tears or splits; some colored-pencil
marks). -All records included and in excellent condition; "Galli, Galline ed Oche" has a tight
crack across the record). -$120.00
Book #9 -- Book in fair condition (two record pockets are slit open on the side and bottom, and third has slits on the side
and bottom). -No records included. -$20.00
Book #11 -- Book in fair condition (all record pockets are split on sides and bottoms). -Two
of the three records included ("Cavalluccio" in excellent condition and "Il Castello" also in excellent condition but with a small edge
crack). -$65.00 |
Loose Libri Che Canta Records
Book #4 -- La Ninna Nanna del Cielo - Excellent (crack may be forming but hasn't yet) - $20.00
Book #4 -- Il Cerchio - Excellent - $25.00
Book #7 -- Canzone di Arlecchino - Excellent - $25.00
Book #7 -- Canzone di Pantalone - Excellent - (crack) - $20.00
Book #7 -- Canzone di Tartaglia - Poor (placeholder only, chunk missing) - $1.00
Book #8 -- Inno Dei Panettoni - Poor (bad crack) - $3.00
Book #8 -- L'Elogio delle Caramelle e dei Cioccolatini - Excellent - $25.00
Book #8 -- La Scampanata - Excellent - $25.00
Book #10 -- Come E Bella la Bambola Mia / La Bella Lavanderina - Good - $20.00
Book #10 -- Imitazione degli Animali Parte I / Imitazione degli Animali Parte II - Excellent (edge flake) - $20.00
Book #11 -- Cavalluccio Parte I. / Cavalluccio Parte II - Good (multiple tight cracks) - $13.00
Book #12 -- No. 5 Il Corteo / No. 6 La Canzone del Din Don - Average (multiple tight cracks) - $10.00
Piccolo Meraviglia Records
6 - Carmen -- Alto la / Carmen -- Se tu m'ami - Good - $20.00
10 - Inno dei Balilla / All'Armi - Good (cracked) - $15.00
11 - Traviata -- Un dì quando le venere / Boccaccio (Serenata) - Good - $20.00
14 - Fascino di Luna. Marcia. / Fascino di Luna. (Fox-trot) - Average - $12.00
15 - Faust -- Tu puol la spada / Faust -- Dio dell'or - Average (cracked) - $10.00
16 - Ernani -- Lo vedremo o veglio / Faust -- Rammenta I lieti dì - Good - $20.00
19 - Fox-trot Della Nostalgia / Signorina Kanape (Shimmy) - Good (cracked) - $15.00
23 - Scugnizza (Shimmy) / Eleonore (Fox-trot) - Good - $20.00
24 - La Java (Fox-trot) / Scucnizza (Fox-trot) - Good - $20.00
25 - Cosi Piange Pierrot (Fox-trot) / L'Ultimo Fox (Fox-trot) - Good (cracked) - $15.00
30 - La Danza delle Libellule (Fox-trot delle Gigolettes) / Madame dì Thebes (Tango) - Good (cracked) - $15.00
34 - La Bambola della Prateria - Duetto dei Gatti / Caterina - Poor - $5.00
42 - Scettico Blues /Napolitano Fox Trot - Good - $20.00
48 - Brasiliana (One step) / Noe (Fox-trot) - Excellent - $25.00
53 - Paquita / Ça C'Est Paris (Fox-trot) - Excellent (cracked) - $20.00
57 - Fragola /Bella Rosa (One-step) - Average - $12.00
60 - Peruviano (Tango) / L'Amore (One-step) - Excellent - $25.00
61 - Palankino (Fox-trot) / L'Ultima Serenata (Tango) - Excellent - $25.00
72 - Waltzer di Mimosa (Hesitation) / Il Tango della Pampa - Good - $20.00
73 - Questa é la Spagna (One-step) / Madonna Bruna (Tango) - Excellent (edge laminate lift) - $20.00
78 - Il Natale di Pierrot / I Milioni D'Arlecchino - Excellent - $25.00
136 - La Rumba delle Noccioline / Fiesta (Rumba) - Good (edge chip into first grooves) - $15.00
166 - Micco Macco e il Pirata Nero / Micco Macco Sciatore - Good (cracked) - $15.00
178 - Imitazione di Animali (Parte I.) / Imitazione di Animali (Parte II.) - Excellent (tight edge crack) - $23.00
181 - I Tre Porcellini / La Danza dei Cuculi - Excellent (cracked) - $20.00
182 - Carioca / Signora Paradiso (Slow-fox) - Good (cracked) - $15.00