Vintage Little Wonder and Bubble Book 78 rpm records
Vintage Little Wonder and Bubble Book 78 rpm records
Vintage Little Wonder and Bubble Book 78 rpm records

Little Wonder Records and Bubble Books

The best and most complete source of information on Little Wonder Records and Bubble Books

Little Wonder records -- all 5½ inches of them -- revolutionized recorded music in the early 1900s by making records available at a price that ordinary people could afford.

Despite their historical role, Little Wonder records have not attracted much interest from vintage record collectors because in many instances the sound quality is not particularly good, the songs although popular were shortened to fit the smaller format, and the artists are not known (which is part of the mystery that swirls around these records) -- other records from the time feature better performances of the same or better material, by artists that were identified.- The records, however, give listeners a glimpse of life in the United States, from 1914 to 1923. -The songs were recorded chronologically through the number series, and so you can see waves of immigration, America going to war, America recovering from war -- all in music.

The mission of this site is to bring together everything that is known about Little Wonder records and their offshoots, including Bubble Books (the first book-and-record series for children), and give them their historical due as "the little records that could."

If you have any information you'd like to add to this site (including additional information for the discography, scans of advertisements, catalogs, etc.) please let me know. -And if you have any questions about Little Wonder records or Bubble Books that aren't answered on the site, just write and ask and I'll do my best. -I'm also always eager to buy, sell or trade for any items about these records and books (including records, Bubble Books, albums, catalogs, advertisements, sheet music, etc.).

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